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About Our Church

Solid Foundation Ministries
Church History

On the third Sunday in March of 2022, one man who was infused with passion to do what God has called him to do, and one woman who believed in the call placed on the man of God’s life, got together in starting the ministry of Solid Foundation Ministries Inc. Through much prayer and faith, they moved into the Citrus Tower Conference Center in Clermont, Florida where there we began worship services with less than five people.


Of course, with looming questions as to being within the will of God, we moved forward just as Abram did in Genesis chapter twelve. Him not knowing fully the vision yet, but trusting God to “shew” him, he plunged forward; so did we in becoming a “church plant,” or Solid Foundation Ministries Inc.: having faith that God is our spiritual compass!

Solid Foundation Ministries Mission Statement

A committed faith community that is in love with Jesus Christ and the Word of God, who biblically seeks to transform lives through a personal fellowship with Christ that leads to church membership through…

  • Equipping saints

  • Evangelizing souls

  • Enlightening worship

  • Edifying missions

  • Engaging fellowship


What We Believe

We believe in God: …we believe in God. That He is the only true and living God. We believe that He is the first person of the Trinity: God the Father! That He is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent! He is the God of creation! That He is the Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!


We believe in Jesus: …we believe in Jesus! That Jesus is the Son of God! We believe in Jesus who was 100% God and 100% human: who is The Preeminent One! We believe Jesus is the incarnate one, the one who was prophesied to come (Isaiah 7:14), the one who was crucified and died; but on the third day He got up with “all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth,” (Matthew 28:18). 


We believe in Scripture: …we believe in the Bible that it has 66 books, 39 Old Testament and 27 New Testament. We believe the scripture is plenary verbal, or all the words in the scripture is inspired by God (2 Timothy 3:16). We believe Scripture is inerrant and powerful to transform lives.


We believe in Baptism: … we believe that baptism in an outward sign of an inward change; and we believe that baptism shows the sign. Jesus himself was baptized by John the Baptist to show us a sign (Matthew 3:16).


We believe in the Lord’s table (or Communion) … we believe that the sacraments   for the Lord’s table is one of the ordinances of the Church that we treat wit “sacredness.” We believe that it represents the broken body of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; and, “For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death til he come,” (1 Corinthians 11:26).



What We Believe

We believe in Salvation … we believe this is being eternally saved from impending danger and offered heaven as an eternal destination. We believe Salvation finds it source from Jesus Christ, and He can save to the uttermost (Hebrews 7:25). We believe that Salvation is by the grace of God (Ephesians 2:8-9).


We believe in the Church …. we believe that the Church is the visible representation for God’s Church by making Jesus Christ the head of it (Ephesians 5:23); we believe the Church is the very Bride of Christ! We believe the Church was born on Pentecost, and assimilated the faith community to become the Church (Ephesians 5:27).


We believe in the Virgin Birth- we believe the virgin Mary conceived Jesus by the Holy Ghost (Matthew 1:25)!


We believe in Justification – that justification is being placed into right relationship with God through Christ. That justification forgives our sins and gifts us with eternal life through God’s gift (Romans 5:16); and this is given to anyone who will believe in the blood and redemptive work of Christ (Romans 3:24): and then being made the righteousness God!


We believe in the Holy Spirit- we believe the Holy Spirit is the third person in the Trinity. We believe He has intellect, and He leads into all truths (John 16:13): We believe He is Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Eternal! We believe He had a part in Creation (Genesis 1:26)!


We believe in Humanity - we believe Humanity was created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 2:7). We believe Humanity was given a “choice” to choose between good and evil, and the “choice” separated man from God. We believe Humanity can be “reconciled” through Christ (2 Corinthians 5:18)! 

Holding Hands
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