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Meet the Pastor

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Rev. Tone' Lundy, Sr.

Rev. Lundy was born August twentieth, nineteen hundred and seventy-seven to Willie E. Lundy, Sr. and Willie Williams Hargrett in Lakeland, Florida as the eighth child. He was baptized at an early age with the leadership and guidance of his family; and through the gained knowledge and the aid of the Holy Spirit, he rededicated his life in January, 2001. His Christian walk took on a new sense of direction, in that May, 2002 he accepted his calling to preach the gospel. There at the Greater St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church in Lakeland, Florida he preached his “initial sermon” entitled “Taking Off Some Stuff and Putting On Jesus,” from the book of Acts 9:3-6.  


God saw fit to exalt him, in that; he was ordained in April, 2012 at New Jacob’s Chapel Missionary Baptist Church in Clermont, Florida where he served as Youth Pastor from 2012 to 2015.  Rev. Lundy has been privileged to be invited to preach all kinds of special services locally and out of state. He has certainly heard the mandate of, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations…,” (Matthew 28:19).


Rev. Lundy also adhered to the Apostle Paul’s words, “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth,” (2 Timothy 3:7). So, it is in this way he has pursued his education, beginning in his formative years of preaching by attending Florida Baptist College in Brandon, Florida; where he studied Pastoral Ministry, also at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia where he attained diplomas in General Bible Studies and Biblical Studies.  He has recently earned his AS in Church Ministry from Warner University in Lake Wales, Florida and is currently pursuing his BS in Ministry.


Rev. Lundy feels that ultimately, our Christian journey is predicated upon a deeper relationship and fellowship with our Lord and Saviour; therefore, has adopted as his favorite scripture Philippians 3:10, “That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death.”  Also he feels in serving the faith community, that their lies an obligation to that of the hymnologist’s words, “To serve the present age, My calling to fulfil; Oh may it all my pow’rs engage To do my Master’s will;” So it is in this attitude that he’s faithfully served as Pastor of the Friendship Missionary Baptist Church in Eustis, Florida, the Greater Piney Grove Baptist Church in Wildwood, Florida, the Mt. Olive MB Church of Groveland, Florida, and currently the Solid Foundation Ministries Inc. of Clermont, Florida.


Rev. Lundy is a proud husband, father, and grandfather.  He asserts that he was blessed, when God allowed him to find his lovely wife Michelle whom he affectionately labels them as “The Lundy Franchise.”  Together they have eight beautiful children, and ten terrorists, I mean grandchildren!   What a joy they bring!

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